Corporate bond 2013/18 to be traded without accrued interest starting 30 March

Corporate bond 2013/18 to be traded without accrued interest starting 30 March

30 March 2015 Corporate News

Bond to be traded flat because of proposed restructuring measures

Walldorf, 30 March 2015 – Ekotechnika GmbH and the operators of the stock exchanges in Stuttgart and Frankfurt have agreed to change the listing of the Ekotechnika bond 2013/18 (ISIN: DE000A1R1A18) from trade with accrued interest to flat trade. So far, accrued pro-rated interest for the current interest period has been shown separately from the price. Flat trade of the bond means that accrued interest is no longer shown separately.

The change will be effected because the management has initiated measures to restructure the bond in view of the negative economic performance of the Ekotechnika Group. Against this background, the company is unlikely to pay the interest due on 10 May 2015.

To technically implement the change from trade with accrued interest to flat trade, trading of the Ekotechnika bond was suspended on 27 March 2015 and resumed as flat trade today, Monday, 30 March 2015. This technical change will entail no change in the bondholders’ rights under the bond. The interest run of a bond continues also when it trades flat.

The first bondholders’ vote, which takes the form of a vote without meeting, started tonight at 0:00 h CEST. The voting period will end on 2 April 2015 (8:00 h CEST). After the vote, the company will report on the results and the next steps of the restructuring process in a timely manner.