Ekotechnika AG: Dual listing at Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Ekotechnika AG: Dual listing at Frankfurt Stock Exchange

24 September 2018 Corporate News

Walldorf, 24 September 2018 – Ekotechnika AG, the German holding company of the EkoNiva-Technika Group, the largest dealer of international agricultural machinery in Russia, will have its shares (ISIN: DE000A161234) listed in the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the context of a dual listing. As of 26 September 2018, the shares will thus be traded not only at the stock exchanges in Düsseldorf (Primary Market, first listing) and Berlin but also in Frankfurt. ICF BANK AG Wertpapierhandelsbank, Frankfurt, will act as Specialist.

“Being a German company that operates on an international scale, we believe it is important to have our shares traded in Frankfurt, which is Germany’s largest stock exchange, in order to increase the liquidity of our shares while at the same time attracting greater attention from German and international investors to our company and the Ekotechnika share,” said Bjoerne Drechsler, member of the Management Board of Ekotechnika AG.

Change of Supervisory Board Chair

Moreover, at its meeting on 25 August 2018, the Supervisory Board of Ekotechnika AG elected Olga Ohly as the new Supervisory Board Chair. She has served on the Supervisory Board since the conversion of Ekotechnika into a joint stock company in October 2015. The former Chairman, Rolf Zürn, will remain a member of the Supervisory Board, while Wolfgang Bläsi will continue to serve as Vice Chairman. The change on Ekotechnika AG’s Supervisory Board was entered in the Commercial Register on 10 September 2018.